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MACP Update From Associate Dean, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Dr. Roberta Neault

There have been exciting changes in Yorkville University’s Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology (MACP) program over the past year or so. Each course has gone through a comprehensive review and we have also added several electives to the program on topics including Career and Employment Counselling, Health and Wellness, Psychopathology, Developmental Psychology, Addiction, Couples and Families, and Guidance and Counselling in School Environments.

We have restructured our practicum, extending the onsite hours and building in live seminars, narrated topical PowerPoints, and ongoing supervision from MACP faculty to complement the onsite supervision provided by the practicum host. We have also added a Practicum Orientation course that prepares students to find a practicum site that will help them achieve their unique learning goals. 

Our instructional team also continues to grow. Several new instructors have been added to our talented faculty of counsellors and psychologists; each instructor brings rich work experiences and solid academic credentials to the team.

Dr. Bik DasGupta, one of our core faculty members, launched a new webinar series to support faculty development and Karen Ludwig, our Associate Dean of Faculty Development has recently restructured our faculty training workshop in Moodle. 

For years, along with other universities, we have discussed how best to support our students’ academic and professional writing. Since Fall 2014, we have been piloting an innovative Writing Lab, coordinated by Dr. Deirdre Pickerell. Preliminary feedback from students has been extremely positive; they have reported a noticeable improvement in their writing and a better understanding of how to approach their assignments. (Note: Participation in the lab requires a referral from a current instructor; the lab is not exclusive to MACP students). 

Members of the MACP instructional and leadership team are also actively engaged in writing, keynote speaking, and presenting at counselling conferences nationally and around the globe. I’m at Cannexus, a National Career Development Conference, in Ottawa this week and then will be presenting at conferences in BC in March and Perth, Australia in April. In May, Dean Helen Massfeller, the Dean of the Faculty of Behavioural Science at Yorkville Universtiy, and I will be co-presenting at the CCPA (Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association) Conference in Niagara Falls – if you’ll be there, please let us know. We’d love to connect in person.

Krushnaji Gavas

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