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Yorkville University

Yorkville University Faculty, Staff and Student Diversity Advisory Councils

Diversity Advisory Councils play an important role in enhancing the development and implementation of equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives across the organization, and creating more inclusive learning and work environments. Members act as Diversity Champions between the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Office and their respective faculties, departments and programs. They also build allyship with underrepresented …

Sarah Stewart-Spencer Appointed Yorkville’s Dean of Behavioural Sciences

Growing up, Dr. Sarah Stewart-Spencer knew with a certainty unheard of in most 13-year-old kids that she was destined to become a counsellor.  “In eighth grade, we had to write a ‘Me Book’ all about the things we were going to do with our lives. And I wrote in that book that I would be a counsellor …

Adam Till: From the Courtroom to the Writer’s Room to the Classroom

Twenty years ago, Adam Till left behind a fledgling career in corporate law to chase his dream of becoming a screenwriter.  Five whirlwind years later, Billable Hours ­– the semi-autobiographical, Gemini Award-winning sitcom based on his short-lived life as a former lawyer – premiered on Showcase.  “I kind of knew, even in school, that law wasn’t for me. I liked …

Yorkville University Launches Bachelor of Creative Arts Degree

From teamwork and timelines, to leadership and in-the-know lingo – there’s much knowledge that can augment the career of the creative professional, according to Adam Till.  Till is the director of Yorkville University’s Bachelor of Creative Arts, a degree completion program aimed at advancing the careers of diploma-holding students who have mastered the practical creative skills …

Talia Singer Explores Wonderful World of Psychotherapy with WhateverWorks Podcast

Sand tray therapy. Psychodrama. Mindfulness. OEI. Art therapy. Join Yorkville University’s Talia Singer as she explores the “wide, weird and wonderful” world of psychotherapy on her new podcast, WhateverWorks. “When it comes to our physical health, we’re all quite aware of the different health care options available to us. If you hurt your leg, you could go to the …

Coming Full Circle | Sheri Crawford’s Bachelor of Interior Design Story

Krushnaji Gavas

From Bachelor of Interior Design grad, to professor, to core faculty, to program chair, to professor again – Sheri Crawford’s Yorkville University journey is one that has come full circle.   A Class of 2013 alumnus, the Hamilton-based Crawford began teaching in Yorkville’s BID program in 2016 – just three short years after her graduation from the program.   Within two-and-half …

Yorkville University Welcomes Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Yorkville University’s new Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion knows firsthand what it’s like to hit a glass ceiling simply because of the way she looks.  Growing up and attending law school in Ottawa, Thamina Jaferi did everything she thought she needed to do to succeed – she got good grades, she was ambitious and she worked …

Yorkville Graduate Among First to Enrol in Newly Launched Doctorate

In 2004, Sharon Wade was one of a small group of pioneering students accepted into the inaugural cohort of Yorkville University’s Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology program.  Fast-forward 16 years, and she’s now once again among the very first to enroll in Yorkville’s newly launched doctoral program, the Doctor of Counselling and Psychotherapy.  “For me, again, it …

Leadership In Learning | Jennifer Deathe’s Master of Education Story

From a small role as a Harvard student in Good Will Hunting, to helping mould the minds of some of Toronto’s most promising young future Ivy Leaguers – Yorkville University graduate Jennifer Deathe has undertaken quite the career transition over the years. “Initially, my career was in filmmaking, then I had a family – and with …

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